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#광교 #앨리웨이 카페인 #아우어베이커리방문한 여자의 솔직한 후기/Review after visiting the cafe called "Our Bakery" In GwanGy jhgf

by chobo&시작하는 블로거 jelly03 2020. 6. 2.

  • 아우어베이커리
  • OurBakery
  • 광교 앨리웨이 1층
  • Gwnag Gyo Alleyway 1st floor 

어쩌다가 아우어베이커리를 방문하게 되었나요?

어머니랑 같이 외출을 한적이 있었어요. 집에 가던길에 어머니께서 광교 호수공원 주변에 이쁜 가게들이 생겼는데 1번 가보자고 하시더라구요. 이건 블로그 감이다 하고 바로 갔지요. 갔더니, 때마침, 마켓이 행사중이어서 밖에는 아기자기 한 것들을 파는 가게들과 주위 건물들도 많았어요.

How did you visit the our bakery place?

I took a stroll with my mom. On the way home, mom suggested me to visit the place as there are the discounts events. I thought it was the chance to post the event on my blog, so instantly visited there! Luckily, there were flea market events. I could see a lot of cute and pretty products outside.

아우어 베이커리는 위치가 어디인가요?

Where is the OurBakery?

아우어베이커리 안은 어땠나요?

사진을 못 찍었지만 안엔 되게 넓었어요.  1층 전부가 빵집으로 되어 있어서 넓직하고 가운데 만 빵들이 전시되어 있고 그 옆엔 퇴식구로서 다 먹은 쟁반들 놓는 곳이었구요. 빵 들 전시해 놓은 곳에서 왼쪽에만 카운터인데 줄서서 계산을 해야 할 정도로 사람들이 많았어요. 앉는 곳은 Browny 70처럼 2곳으로 나뉘어져 있었는데 입구에서 가까이에는 그냥 나무로 된 테이블과 평범한 의자들이지만 구석으로 가면 좀더 좋은 의자와 테이블로 이루어져 있었지요.

How was the interior of the OurBakery?

I sadly couldn't take photos, but the interior was wide. 1st floor was only bakery shop, so it was wide and the middle of the shop were displayed with the bread. Left side of the display was the counter which many people stood for taking their foods. Sitting place were divided like Browny 70. The place close to the entrance were only normal wooden table and chairs. The inside place were decorated with more luxury tables and chairs.

무슨 음식을 드셨나요?

What kinds of foods did you order?

전 아이스 초코와 딸기 카스테라를 시켰어요. 우선 초코 아이스는 다른 곳과 비슷했지만 딸기 카스테라는 바깥은 꿀로 발라져 있어서 달고 코팅이라서 바삭하지만 속은 정말 촉촉하고 크림도 있어서 너무 좋은 맛이었어요.

I ordered the ice chocolate drink and Strawberry custard. The chocolate drink was same as other place but, the strawberry custard was best. It was coated with syrup. Thus, outside was sweet and crunchy but inside was soft and cream was hidden! It was best!
